Why Choose Metal Rather Than Asphalt Shingles?

If you need to replace a failing asphalt shingle roof, then you can use the same type of shingles again. However, you also have an opportunity to upgrade your roofing materials.

You should consider using metal shingles at this point. These stone-coated shingles don't look much different from asphalt products, but they have extra benefits. What are they?

Metal Shingles Last Longer

While asphalt shingles are strong and effective, they have a shorter working life than metal products. Asphalt shingles can develop a range of problems.

For example, weather damage can affect asphalt roofs. Exposure to the elements can make shingles warp and crack. If a shingle's surface is breached, then it might allow water into your roof. A warped or cracked shingle is also more likely to fall off in high winds.

Metal shingles are stronger and less susceptible to weather damage. They won't crack or warp, so you're less likely to have problems with roof leaks. They are less likely to blow off a roof in high winds.

So, a metal shingle roof will last longer. It will need less maintenance work. This reduces your ongoing costs during the life of your roof.

Metal Shingles Have Better Energy Efficiency

You should try to make a new roof as energy-efficient as possible. This part of your home affects your internal temperatures.

This can be a particular problem in warmer weather. If you don't use a material with good thermal management, then your roof will make your home heat up in hot weather. You will need to use more energy to run your AC system at higher rates during these months.

Asphalt shingles don't have great energy efficiency. They don't reflect heat well and they trap heat inside before passing it into your home.

Metal shingles are lighter and have better thermal reflection. They won't hold in as much heat, so they keep your home cooler. Your energy usage will be more efficient and cost-effective.

Metal Shingles Can Reduce Insurance Costs

Homeowner's insurance usually covers some roofing problems. However, the roofing materials you choose can affect the cost of your coverage.

Policy costs are often higher for homes with asphalt shingle roofs. Insurers know that these roofs are more susceptible to damage.

If you install metal shingles and tell your insurer about your new roof, then your policy costs should decrease. Your roof will be less likely to get damaged enough for you to make a claim, so your insurer will reward you with lower costs.

To find out more about shingle roofs, talk to your roofing contractor.
