Why Your New Roof Needs Great Ventilation
When you will be having your roof replaced, it's important to make sure that the new roof provides your home with adequate ventilation. Otherwise, your roof can develop various problems such as a mold infestation. Fortunately, roofers are able to add modifications to your roof that can allow for adequate ventilation.
How Roof Ventilation Works
Your roof needs to exchange air between the inside and outside of your home. This helps control humidity levels, alleviates moisture problems, and makes your home more energy-efficient. Your home will also be cooler during the summer.
Prevent Pollutants from Building Up in Your Home
If your home doesn't have adequate ventilation, pollutants can build up inside. This is especially common if someone is burning leaves nearby. The vents allow for smoke that enters your home to escape.
Stop Ice Dams from Forming
If you live in a cold climate, you might notice ice dams forming if you do not have adequate ventilation. When there is not enough ventilation, hot air cannot escape and the snow above the hotspots in your roof melts and then flows down to the edge of the roof. The water then freezes at the edge of the roof.
Don't Make Your AC Work Too Hard
Your AC might be working constantly to try to keep your home cool. This might be the result of a lack of adequate ventilation in your roof. The lack of ventilation causes hot air to build up and this forces your AC to work harder than it should. You might also notice that there are some hot and cold areas of your home. This can make your home very uncomfortable.
Chimneys Act as Natural Forms of Ventilation
Your roof can have two types of ventilation. The most basic type is when your roof has natural vents. For example, if your home has a chimney, this not only allows you to release smoke when using your fireplace but also acts as a vent. You can also have vents installed throughout your roof to provide natural ventilation.
Mechanical Ventilation Gives You More Control
Mechanical ventilation is another option. You will need a power source and you will need to install a fan that will give you control over the ventilation of your home. If you're not sure how much ventilation your roof will need or where you should place your vents, make sure to consult with roofing replacement specialists.
For more information, contact a roofing company in your area.